Welcome to Week 2 of our ‘4 Weeks to a Stronger You’ programme.

Well done for completing week 1 of our ‘Stronger You’ plan. The timetable for week 2 is the same as week 1, so if you managed to complete all the workouts last week we challenge you to increase one variable (this could be the number of repetitions, sets, weight, or reducing your rest period) - further guidance is provided below.

Week 2 Overview

Check out the timetable for week 2 below. We will be completing the ‘Full-Body Strength B’ workout live in our Friday morning strength class, if you would prefer to follow along, rather than complete in your own time. Details of each of the workouts are provided below, as well as options for increasing the intensity.

On the on-demand library you will find cardio and yoga class suggestions for Day 2, 4 and 5. Instead of a cardio class there is also the option to set yourself a step goal, make this challenge personal to you. If you have not previously tracked your steps, aim for at least 7,000 - 10,000. If you do not have the means to track aim to go on a 40 minute brisk walk.

  • Day 1: Full Body Strength A

  • Day 2: Cardio Class/Steps

  • Day 3: Full-Body Strength B

  • Day 4: Cardio Class/Steps

  • Day 5: Active Rest Day

Full details of the 2 strength workouts (A+B) are provided below, alongside the workout overview videos with movement demos (which we shared in week 1). We advise re-watching these videos before undertaking the workouts to ensure you move with correct form.

Full Body Strength A

Remind yourself of the exercises for the ‘Full Body Strength A’ workout by watching this short video.


  • 5 minutes of cardio of your choice, like walking, jogging, rowing, biking, elliptical, or jumping rope

  • 3 rounds of:

    • 10 x squats

    • 10 x TWY

    • 5 x inch worms


Up the intensity from last week by increasing the number of sets or repetitions. For example complete 3 sets of super set 1 and 2, or increase the number of reps by 2 for each of the exercises.

  • Super Set 1 (2 sets):

    • Goblet Squats (10-12 reps)

    • Single Arm Bent Over Row (10-12 reps on each side)

  • Super Set 2 (2 sets):

    • Step-up (6-8 reps on each side)

    • Single arm shoulder press (6-8 reps on each side)

  • Tri-set 1 (3 sets):

    • Incline push-up (5-10 reps)

    • Marching glute bridge (8-10 reps)

    • Farmers carry (30 seconds)

Full Body Strength B

Remind yourself of the exercises for ‘Full Body Strength B’ in this short video.


  • 5 minutes of cardio of your choice, like walking, jogging, rowing, biking, elliptical, or jumping rope

  • 3 rounds of:

    • T-spine rotation

    • Downward dog

    • Deadbug

    • Good Morning


Up the intensity from last week by increasing the number of sets or repetitions. For example complete 3 sets of super set 1 and 2, or increase the number of reps by 2 for each of the exercises.

  • Super Set 1 (2 sets):

    • Deadlift (10-12 reps)

    • Chest Press (10-12 reps)

  • Super Set 2 (2 sets):

    • Split Squat (6-8 reps on each side)

    • Bent Over Reverse Fly (10-12 reps)

  • Tri-set 1 (3 sets):

    • Side Plank (hold for 20 seconds each side)

    • Halo (6-8 reps)

    • Ground to Overhead (10-12 reps)


