There’s no doubt at journalling can make a huge difference to your confidence. The act of journaling can help you replace old, negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs with new and empowering thoughts and belief in yourself, all which can contribute to increasing confidence and self growth.

These 5 journal prompts are designed to help give you an instant confidence boost. You can journal with one prompt a day or tackle them all at one time, and remember you can come back to these prompts at any time you need to check in or build a little bit more confidence. I would suggest setting aside at least 10 minutes, put pen to paper, and allow your thoughts to flow onto the page without judgement. Your future, confident self will thank you for it!

1. What accomplishments, big or small, are you most proud of?

This is a simple one, but it is one we tend to forget! How often do you obsess over things you got wrong, or mistakes you made in the past? Guilty right here! And how often do you stop to celebrate the things you get right?! My guess is not enough!

Confidence grows from having a trust in our abilities, believing that we are capable of achieving our goals. Sometimes we need a reminder of what’s already been achieved. This journal prompt is a great way to reconnect with your accomplishments and remind yourself that you are capable of achieving great things. For this prompt, you could list your accomplishments each week or month, or you could do a ‘Year in Review’ exercise, listing all of your achievements over the last year. I bet you’ve achieved way more than you think.

2. What compliment do you receive most often? How can you lean into this?

Think about the compliments you receive most often. What do others compliment you on? Pay special attention to the compliments that are hard to receive. When people compliment you, do you minimise your greatness? Or try to change the subject? If so, those actions may slowly be stealing your confidence!  

Instead of changing the subject when someone compliments you on your excellent presentation skills or amazing website, how can you lean into those areas of expertise? Maybe it’s different response or even a simple thank you! Journaling about this may help you prepare for the future compliments to come, and it helps you step into your greatness in those areas.

3. What energises you? How can you bring more of this energy into your life?

You can get your own burst of confidence by paying attention to the things that energise you. Start by reflecting on the times when you feel the most confident in yourself – what are you doing? How are you feeling?

Once you reflect on the things you’re doing or the people you’re with when you’re feeling your most energised, write about how you can add more of that feel-good energy to your daily life. You may not always be doing the things that energise you, but you can still bring some of that energy to everyday mundane tasks.

4. Describe in detail a time when you felt confident. What were you doing, and how did you feel?

Think back to a time when you felt confident and proud of yourself. Describe what you were doing and how you felt in as much detail as possible. Try and remember every single detail you can. Take your time and savour your memories and write it down. The more you can do this, the more that these memories will slowly smother the defeating stories that are potentially holding you back.

5. What is one thing you would do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Many times, we allow fear or limiting beliefs to hold us back from taking action. This question helps you envision a world where you are successful, you have achieved your goals, and you are living the life of your dreams. Without the fears, limiting beliefs, systems or other obstacles that get in your way. This journal prompt helps you stay open to limitless possibilities and options. What would you do if you knew you would succeed? Is it different than what you’re doing now? What steps would you need to take to get from where you are to where you want to be? What can you start (or stop) doing today to get there? Staying open to new ideas or opportunities will help you build confidence by seeing that there’s more than one path to success.

Journaling about confidence helps you build positive connections and trust in your inner wisdom, building new, empowering thought patterns that help you go after your biggest dreams.

Take action and get journalling!


