This is your 30 day challenge to upgrade and change up your morning routine. The Balance + Glo team have come together to create Revive Your Mornings - The 30 Day Challenge and support you in getting the best out of everyday as we head towards summer.

We’ve got you covered each week. Don’t forget to download your printable calendar.

Check out DAYS 15 - 22 BELOW:

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DAY 15 : Get a Good Nights Sleep

Drop into a deep sleep with blissful relaxation techniques 

If you have trouble getting into a regular sleep pattern, establishing clear morning and nighttime routines can help you fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling refreshed, leading to greater productivity all day. It doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming, but sticking to a schedule has a calming effect and can relieve stress.


The Why

  1. A good sleep gives your body time to replenish cells

  2. It increases your productivity throughout your day

  3. Improves your mood the next day and allows you to make better decisions

The How

Establish a wind-down routine - We suggest prioritising a wind-down routine before your target bedtime, which can include reading, breathing exercises, yoga, stretching, or meditation. Why not join yoga teacher Vicky on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm for a LIVE relax and restore yoga sess or head to the on demand library to find our favourite wind down classes.


DAY 16 : Try Strength Training

Let’s get stronger together!

Head of Fitness Evelyn is an advocate for mixing up your workout and ensuring you feel strong inside and out, she says “Strength training is the ultimate workout for improving bone health, better balance and reducing risk of injury. Just make sure you eat something before strength training in the morning.”


The Why

  1. Improves overall body strength

  2. It can help to speed up metabolism throughout your day

  3. Reduce your risk of injury including back pain and arthritis

The How

Join Evelyn every Friday LIVE for 30 minutes of a warm up and strength training class to get you going for your day.

Try Evelyn’s strength classes on demand to build up your strength progressively.


DAY 17 : Take Your Workout Outside

Take advantage of the lighter mornings and move outdoors

This could be as simple as going for a fast-paced walk around the block, to a run, or doing an outdoor workout. Whatever you choose take time to move outdoors before settling down to your working day.


The Why

  1. You will challenge your body in new ways - with inclines, declines and obstacles

  2. Studies have found that moving outdoors will improve your mood and boost self-esteem

  3. You are likely to feel more awake and energised in comparison to completing a workout indoors.

The How

Set your alarm and put our your workout clothes the night before. Choose your workout (walk, run or try this outdoor workout with Evelyn).


DAY 18 : Take Time for Brunch

Why not start your day with a delicious feast

You’ve made it to the weekend - celebrate and nourish your body with a delicious brunch. We’ve got all the recipe inspiration that you’ll need right here.

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The Why

  1. You have more time at the weekend so take time to enjoy preparing a brunch recipe that you haven’t tried before (it’s a great way to add diversity to your diet)

  2. Not only do you have more time to prepare, but you also have more time to enjoy it. Focus on eating slowly and really appreciate every mouthful - you’ll experience more of the flavours, textures, and smells of the food you eat.

  3. Your food will become more interesting, and you will also be more satisfied and more likely to make healthier food choices.

The How

Try one of our favourite brunch recipes - try Live Well With Lous Chickpea Avocado On Toast and make it a social event with the rest of your household, and enjoy this opportunity for connection and reflection on the previous week.


DAY 19 : Add a Morning Skincare Routine

For dewy glowing skin

Did you know your skin is the biggest organ in your body!! We need to make sure we take good care of it, and starting off first thing in the morning means you’re well on your way to a flawless face all day long. Dr Pippa shares her insights below!

The Why

1. A morning skincare routine enables you to prepare your skin for the day ahead and helps to remove any leftover products which you applied the night before that may have an impact on your makeup application

2. It’ll keep your skin glowing for longer and can help keep your skin beautiful for the future

3. Having clean and clear skin can help boost your confidence and keep you looking your best.

The how


DAY 20 : Write a Gratitude List

What are you grateful for today?

A little gratitude first thing in the morning will go a long way in creating a happier and more productive day. You can be grateful for the smallest thing and it can make a huge difference to the rest of your day ahead.


The Why

  1. Starting your day writing down what you are grateful has been linked to decreased negative thinking, better sleep quality, and will help you feel more optimistic, positive, inspired, and empathetic.

  2. The more you practice gratitude, you will subconsciously train your brain to notice more positivity everyday.

    The How

If you have practiced gratitude journalling before you may have focused on writing down 3 things you are grateful for. However, over time you may have found that this comes a bit repetitive (e.g. coming up with the same three things). If this is the case, we recommend using our Health Coach Louise Murray’s 3 P’s gratitude prompt, helping you be more creative and inspired through this practice. Reflect on the previous day, the first P stands for a person - who made your life a little better yesterday (even in a small way), the second P stands for pleasure - something that made you feel good (often focused around senses - something you saw, tasted or heard), and the third P stands for promise - something you are looking forward to (it could be something small planned for later today, or something bigger planned for later in the year).

or why not Try Jenny’s 5 minute Gratitude Meditation to focus on the abundance you already have in your life first thing!?


DAY 21 : Wake Up and Flow

Get flowing first thing in the morning.

Practising yoga first thing is a sure fire way to start your day feeling good in both body and mind, whether it’s 5 minutes of meditation, breath work or an hour long class. Head of Yoga Jenny suggests starting simple and building upon your morning yoga routine each day or week. You will feel better for it!

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The Why

  1. Yoga in the morning helps your body to regulate its sleeping habits. In time, your body will become used to waking up and immediately receiving a boost of energy from yoga, which will make the act of getting out of bed that much easier since your body will have a task to look forward to.

  2. A morning practise allows you to remain more calm and centred throughout your day.

  3. Doing yoga in early mornings will provide oxygen and increase blood circulation. It helps to balance your breath and push the blood to go through veins, improving the functions of internal organs and making your body always full of energy.

    The How

You've got so much choice on the on demand library! Why not try Emma H’s 15 minute yoga flows to energise your body and mind. Or join Livy every Tuesday LIVE via zoom at 7.45am for 30 minutes of yoga flowing mindful movement. 


DAY 22 : Cold Shower Therapy

Brrr oh but it’s worth it we promise!

Cold shower therapy doesn’t sounds particularly appealing but studies have shown so many benefits of doing this on a daily basis for both body and mind. Maybe you’ve heard of the Wim How Method or even tried wild swimming, well the cold shower is an easy solution whilst getting all the benefits.


The Why

  1. Improved circulation. The cold water increases the circulation in your body, which leads to a higher demand for oxygen. You automatically start breathing deeper – this fights off fatigue.

  2. A study by the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine showed that cold showers have another benefit. They have a positive effect on people who suffer from depression: the cold sends more electrical impulses to the brain, which can help ease depression.

  3. 3. Improves immunity - A cold shower in the morning does more than wake you up and improve your circulation. The cold and warm stimuli constrict and dilate your blood vessels, which strengthens your immune system.

The How

During your morning shower…

  1. Rinse off with warm water.

  2. Slowly make the water cooler.

  3. First rinse off your right leg with cold water, starting on the outer side of your ankle. That is the spot farthest away from your heart. Work your way up gradually. Then rinse off your left leg.

  4. Now it’s time for your arms: start on the back of your right hand up to your shoulder. Then start at your armpit down the inside of your arm to your palm. Do the same on your left arm.

  5. Rinse the rest of your body with cold water. Repeat the above steps with warm water, then rinse your whole body with cold water one more time.


Please share how you’re getting on via the Facebook group, WhatsApp group, or on Instagram by tagging us - we love seeing your feedback, pictures and progress.

With Love

The B + G Team


