This Autumn join the team of experts on The Online Studio as we transition into this new season together. As the activities of summer fade, staying motivated becomes key so this is a great time of year to try something completely different. This October let go of what’s been holding you back and step into The Online Studio to try something new. Whether you’re a hardcore yogi or fitness fanatic, why not switch things up with the season. Try our heart-warming recipes for our five seasonal favourites and discover why autumn is all about taking care of YOU.

So if you’re feeling ready to shake things up, read on to find out how the B+G team of experts can help you Take a New Path this October across our 3 pillars of wellness - Move, Nourish, Care. 

Feel like you could benefit? Sign-up today and make the most of our 14 DAY FREE trial.

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Whether you’re a hardcore yogi or fitness fanatic, why not switch things up with the season. Refocus your fitness with our NEW Strengthen + Flo on demand classes, try new moves like flying pigeon in our yoga workshop and with the night’s drawing in take time to chill out and wind down with a new on demand Yin series to help you find a sense of grounding and release this season.

As a member, you will have full access to our on-demand library which features over 500 classes. This month it will also feature two new series:

  • Strengthen + Flo : Evelyn and Jenny bring back their signature Strengthen + Flo hybrid class - a unique combination of yoga and strength exercises to get the most out of your fitness regime. A blend of the strength, flexibility and fitness found in the two disciplines make them a perfect union.

  • Yin Series: Join Emma for this 3 part Yin series. The three 20 minute sessions are designed so you can either take them individually or back to back them to curate a longer, deeper practice. Find out more about yin on the blog.


Plus, this month (23rd October 9:30am) we’re excited to host a live Arm Balance Workshop with Olivia:

  • Arm Balance Workshop: flying pigeon, baby grasshopper & eight angle pose. In this 90 minute workshop Olivia will guide you through a dynamic earth mandala flow to open up into the hips and prepare the body for hip opening arm balances. Olivia will guide you through the technique of taking flight in your yoga practice with modifications and options for every body. Whether you are still mastering crow pose or fancy trying some other fun poses this workshop is for you. It is all about challenging yourself to have a laugh, step out of your comfort zone and try something new.

Worried you can’t make a live class? Don’t worry all classes are recorded and uploaded to the on-demand library so you can catch-up at a time convenient to you. Check out our full schedule of live online classes HERE.



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This month we focus on delicious heart-warming recipes to see you into the cooler season. October and pumpkins tend to go hand in hand for obvious reasons, but with autumn’s generous harvest there are so many fruits and vegetables at their peak. We will be sharing recipes for our five seasonal favourites alongside the team at award winning restaurant and cookery school The Little Gloster or Modern Kitchen Garden.

We recommend looking out for the following seasonal produce in the supermarket and local farmers shops: 

  • Cauliflower

  • Leeks

  • Pumpkin

  • Pears

  • Apples

Check out Evelyn’s delicious apple and blackberry crumbles, as featured in the latest issue of Style of Wight.


Self Care

Autumn self-care is a great way to celebrate the season. Make this autumn all about taking care of your needs and taking care of yourself in new ways. Give yourself time, ditch your phone for a day or why not try meditation for the first time. If you join, you will receive our guide for moving through autumn with ease and our top tips for being your most healthy self this season. This will include:

  • Autumnal letting go meditation with Jen

  • Journalling this Autumn

  • Ditch Your Phone for a Day

  • What is Yin Yoga and why is it so beneficial

  • World Mental Health Day on 10 October - focus on workplace wellness


