(These helped me and I hope that they will help you too!)


No one really prepares you for a C section recovery with a newborn child to look after! After the birth of my little boy Freddie in May, which ended in an emergency C section, the shock of major surgery whilst looking after a new born was something I hadn’t really prepared for. After my c section I only stayed in hospital for one night (as I’d been in there for 3 days in labour and was so ready to go home!), but I was super lucky that i had my husband and mum and dad around to help in the few days (weeks and months too!!) that followed (otherwise i think another couple of days getting looked after in hospital would have been brilliant!). The two days after the op I stayed upstairs in our house and didn't use the stairs at all. We turned the nursery into a dining room and I’d hop across the hall to eat my meals :). I also wasn’t aware that I would have to inject my stomach for the next 10 days with cetane to reduce the risk of blood clots and wear compression stockings too!

It took a couple of days before I felt ready to go down the stairs and the first thing I did was head out into the garden. I remember sitting in the sunshine and thinking it was just the most glorious thing. Over the next week saw us venture to get an ice cream by the seaside, walking a little more each day, and over the next few months carrying Fred in a sling on lower walks (mainlyto get coffee) and being able to push the pram uphill to cycling, yoga and pilates! It suprised me how long it took to feel a little more normal and active again.

Whether you have a planned c section or a surprise one (or you give birth vaginally), I think it’s important to remember that everyones post partum journey is totally unique and everyone recovers at such a different pace. It’s so easy to get into the comparison trap, but focusing on your own journey and finding what works for you is ultimately the most important. 3 months in and I am still on that recovery path, yes the c section scar has healed, it doesn’t hurt to bend down anymore and I’ve started cycling, yoga and running (post my mummy mot with a physio and once I’d past 12 weeks), but my body is  still healing, my core strength still needs work, I’m still massaging my scarf help the skin and muscles recover and the smoothies are the ultimate energy pick me up on tired days. 

These are just some things which have been super helpful for me and I hope that by sharing them with you, your recovery can also benefit!

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  1. The Post C Section Constipation Smoothie (Ooh and Ice Cream helps too!)

May not sound by any means idyllic (!) but boy this smoothie helped me out especially in those first few weeks after surgery. I’ll be totally honest that when I did my first poop after the surgery (think it was like day 5!) I actually cried with happiness that my bowels were still working! Here's my fave smoothie recipe - if you can it’s best made and delivered to your bed!!

Blitz up x5 dates, x5 prunes, 250ml apple juice, 200ml nut or oat milk, 200g natural yogurt, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg in your blender. It’s a winner!

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2. Say YES to any help

Friends, partners, family offering to help… say YES!! If you’re usually a bit of a stickler when it comes to accepting help, this is not the time to pretend to be ok with doing everything. Ask for help when you need it, let your family drop in ready meals and let your partner do the washing up and picking up the dirty laundry. Your ultimate priority is recovery and your beautiful new baba. In the first few weeks bending over isn't always possible or comfortable so get your partner to pick up baby (it’s lovely to get them to have as much skin to skin) and delivery smoothies to your bed!

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3. Fresh Air + Walking

On Day 3 out of hospital we drove to get an ice cream and sit by the sea - this was a glorious moment!! Being out in the fresh air gave me a sense of freedom and a sense that despite the sleep deprivation and physical recovery, everything was going to be ok. Going for even a short walk helped to keep my sanity in tact, gave me a little exercise and also reduces the risk of blood clots and other heart or blood vessel issues which can be experienced with c section surgery.

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4. Massaging the Scar ( a newish one for me!)

Experts suggest starting this about 6 weeks after surgery, as long as incision is well healed. This can be done on your own, at home, for 5 minutes/day. Until I saw my physio recently, I didn’t even know this was something I should have been doing. I suggest purchasing Nessa Organics Scar Saviour - its a beautiful natural brand that specialises in post partum recovery. When you massage your c-section scar, you help the scar tissue learn where to lie down and you keep it from growing in unwanted places like on the surrounding organs.  Massage can help increase blood flow, which is beneficial for healing the area. Massage can help smooth out thick scars and can help stop the scar from growing larger during the early phases of healing.

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5.  Rest (and time!) is Best

Rest is vital for recovery from any surgery. Yet for many new parents, rest is nearly impossible with a newborn in the home. Make sure you get help from a loved one so you can take a nap or try and sleep when your little one sleeps. 

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by chores or to want to entertain visitors, but trust me giving up sleep to put away dishes or keep the house clean can leave you absolutely exhausted!


