From a young age, September has symbolised renewal. It was the time we went back to school, a time to restart over and refocus. Although we may not be going back to school, the same mentality remains. Taking this approach is key, as moving from summer to autumn can present challenges. Our routines change in response to the weather (lower levels of sunlight, shorter days and colder weather), we have to head back to work after summer adventures, and the children go back to school. This can make us slow down, crave stodgy foods and feel lethargic. 

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So if you’re feeling the autumnal dread, read on to find out how the B+G team of experts can help you Reset, Revive and Refuel across our 3 pillars of wellness - Move, Nourish, Care. 

PLUS Save the date: Join us for our first ever Morning Reset Virtual Retreat on Sunday 19th September between 10.00 and 11.30. This event will be FREE for members and will include yoga, meditation, and a brunch cook-along. Further details to be released very soon! 


The change in weather can indicate a change in our activity levels. In the summer we are naturally more active (without necessarily realising), from coastal walks, sea dips, bike rides, to paddleboarding with the warmer weather and longer days. That’s why this month we are going to focus on reviving your practice. 

The on-demand library will feature:

  • Yoga Refresh with Olivia: This 3 part series is suitable for beginners or for those that feel they could benefit from revisiting the foundations. The aim of the session is to give you the confidence to take part in any class. Olivia will be joined by Evelyn in the studio so she can break down the poses and provide visual modifications.

  • Kettlebell Express Series: Join Evelyn for this 4 part Kettlebell series. Revive your strength practice through the use of Kettlebells. This is a progression series, with the following session structure: Beginner, Intermediate 1 + 2, Advanced. If you are new to kettlebell training or want a refresh start from the beginning, or if you’re more experienced get ready to challenge yourself with a level that suits you!

Plus we’re excited to launch two new live weekly classes to the online schedule:

  • Wind Down Yoga with Jenny, every Wednesday between 18.00 and 18.45: It’s time to release, let go and relax with this 45 minute yoga class designed to totally chill you out after a hard day. Mixing it up with elements of yin yoga and time to stretch off the tensions of your day.

  • Lunchtime Energise Yoga with Olivia, every Thursday between 12.30 and 13.00: A 30 minute class in your lunch break to boost your energy and help avoid that afternoon slump. Perfect for working from home!

Check out our full class schedule below.

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The change in season and weather can lead us to feel hungrier, often as we need more ‘fuel’ to stay warmer. You’ll find yourself moving away from simple summer staples (of salads and cold plates) and instead craving warming dishes. This month we will be sharing our favourite nourishing comfort foods to refuel and celebrating the produce that a new season brings. Expect simple one-pot meals that are great for batch cooking (ensuring you always have a readily available nourishing dishes), seasonal puds, and warming breakfasts to fuel your day. 

We recommend looking out for the following seasonal produce in the supermarket and local farmers shops: 

Aubergine, Beetroot, Blackberries, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Courgettes, Chicory, Cucumber, Damsons, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Mangetout, Marrow, Onions, Parsnips, Pears, Peas, Peppers, Plums, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radishes, Raspberries, Red Cabbage, Rhubarb, Rocket, Runner Beans, Samphire, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring Greens, Spring Onions, Summer Squash, Sweetcorn, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, White Cabbage.

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Self Care

As the colder weather approaches, it is important to find moments of stillness and dedicate time for the body to reset, through self-care and mindfulness. As the seasons change, we will begin to notice changes within our minds and bodies too, and therefore we need to adapt our routines accordingly. We will be sharing our guide fro moving through autumn with ease and our top tips for being your most healthy self this season. This includes:

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  • Our Autumn Wellbeing Guide

  • How to restore your skin after summer with Dr Pippa

  • Our favourite autumnal reads

  • Staying mindful this autumn

  • Top Tips for Foraging


