This is your 30 day challenge to upgrade and change up your morning routine. The Balance + Glo team have come together to create Revive Your Mornings - The 30 Day Challenge and support you in getting the best out of everyday as we head towards summer.

We’ve got you covered each week. Don’t forget to download your printable calendar.

Check out DAYS 8 - 14 BELOW:

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DAY 8 : Make Your Bed Everyday

It’s absolute bliss. 

If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. Plus it’s a super easy one!


The Why

  1. It starts your day off right

  2. It increases your productivity throughout your day

  3. Improves your mood

The How

A quick fluff of the pillows and tug of the sheets, plus shake out your duvet and open the window. It takes only seconds, and it is the easiest way to make your entire bedroom look better instantly and lift your mood.


DAY 9 : Practise Tabata

Start your day with a little kick.

Try a Tabata workout to build strength, and get the blood flowing. Head of Fitness Evelyn offers a various Tabata workouts that you can get done in under 15 minutes. All you need is a mat and a positive attitude, and you’ll be in and out and feeling amazing in no time. 


The Why

1. Getting moving first thing will give you a metabolic boost that will last throughout the entire day.

2. You’ll start your day with a ‘high’ and feel good as endorphins get released through the exercise.

3. HIIT workouts can also help to boost your productivity and energy levels, getting you through the rest of the day, 

The How

Simply log onto the on demand library and choose a Tabata class that suits you


DAY 10 : Make Time for a Mindful Breakfast

Rise early and start your day feeling nourished 

Usually wolfing down a coffee and some cereal first thing? Try taking things a little slower and make some time to eat in a mindful way. Recent studies have recognised that it matters not only that you DO eat breakfast but that WHAT and HOW you eat can impact your mindful and mindless eating habits later in the day too.


The Why

1. With your breakfast, you're setting the mood for the day. Make it healthy and nourishing and you'll lay a great foundation for your eating habits throughout the day. 

2. Being mindful of the food you eat can promote better digestion, keep you full with less food, and influence wiser choices about what you eat in the future.

3. Encourages you to actually enjoy your food and find pleasure in the small moments.

The How

Top tips to eating more mindfully include:

Eating more calmly and taking the time to chew and swallow

Shop smart so you can prepare your breakfast - our favourite recipes for this include overnight oats and chia puddings

Tune in. Let every sense tune in to the food experience. The texture, the utensils, the presentation, the colour. Every aspect of the food should be noticeable.


DAY 11 : Take a Walk in Nature

It’s time to step outside as the day begins

Heading outside early in the morning may not sound particularly appealing, but going for a walk before work might just be the answer to our current struggles. Not only is getting outside before we sit down at our desks a great way to kick things off in the morning, but it also sets us up for better mental health and wellbeing throughout our working day.


The Why

1. Walking first thing gives you energy for your day - Pulse rate rapidly increases, perspiration begins to flow, and we suddenly feel a level of alertness about ourselves and our environment. Once we begin walking in the morning, this improvement in mood may last throughout the day.

2. Walking in the morning creates a positive mindset for other important activities during your day.

3. Morning walking give you time to plan out the day - Your morning walk could take 10 mins or as much as an hour. During this time, you will have the chance to collect your thoughts about the day to come. It will help give you focus for the rest of the day

The How

Try Head of Yoga Jenny’s 10 minute Walk in Nature meditation and begin your day mindfully, connecting with your body and with nature.


DAY 12 : Try This Simple Meditation Exercise

Ignite your 5 senses

Meditating is a great way to help us become more mindful and aware of the present moment. It can be as short or long as we'd like, and oftentimes, just 5 minutes a day can go a long way. A 5 senses mindfulness exercise is a nice place to start for those of us new to meditating.


The Why

1. Wake up on the bright side - A morning meditation will set the tone for your entire day and help you to be focused, content, and optimistic

2. The mind has a tendency to jump from one thought to another randomly, like a wild monkey jumping from tree to tree. Through a regular practice, you can gain control of your thoughts. Being in control in this way can help move you into a compassionate, proactive state of being rather than a reactive one.

3. Meditation gives the mind a break, offering an opportunity to detach from the chaos of our lives. Being still creates the space for us to gain a broader perspective. A balanced perspective is a valuable tool for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

The How

Start by taking a deep breath, and simply notice:

5 things that we can see

4 things that we can feel

3 things that we can hear

2 things that we can smell

1 thing that we can taste

Remember, the key is to observe and acknowledge, nothing more. This exercise might be difficult to get a hang of at first, but with practice, it'll get easier and easier. Feel free to try out other mindfulness exercises when ready and pick a few that are enjoyed most!


DAY 13 : Get a Stretch Session In

Wakey wakey sleepy body, move slowly into your day.

Feeling stiff in the mornings?! You often lie in the same sleeping position for a long time during the night. As a result, when you wake up your muscles may feel stiff from a lack of movement. This is because, while you sleep your muscles relax and both your blood pressure and heart rate fall.


The Why

  1. By stretching right after you wake up, you are actually helping your muscles relax. Tense muscles are what lead to poor posture. By keeping up with regular stretching, you are relaxing and lengthening your muscles which keep your back in better shape.

  2. Stretching in the morning gets your circulation off to a good start. This in turn kick-starts your energy level.

  3. Helps to calm the mind, and prepare your body for tomorrow’s workout. 

The How

Stretching comes in many different forms. Join Livy for a heart opening 30 minute stretch session or Evelyn for a quick 5 minute warm up and cool down sess to get you started.


DAY 14 : Power Up Your Core with Pilates

Build strength in the powerhouse of your body

Pilates is a whole-body low-impact workout, done at a slow pace to ensure the correct muscles are engaged while using good posture and challenging endurance. This makes it an ideal form of exercise for starting off the day and waking the body up.


The Why

  1. Your metabolism will get a serious kick in the morning from a core based workout like Pilates.

  2. When you get your blood pumping, you wake up all the systems in your body. Your muscles feel less lethargic, and your mind kicks into full power.

  3. Pilates significantly improves dynamic stability ie. improves your posture– the ability of the body to hold itself in better alignment for longer, maintaining upright posture, stability and responsiveness.

The How

Try Pilates teacher Emma Wharton’ Core Pilates Express 15 Minute sessions and build up your core strength from beginner to advanced level


Please share how you’re getting on via the Facebook group, WhatsApp group, or on Instagram by tagging us - we love seeing your feedback, pictures and progress.

With Love

The B + G Team


