Did you know that just 5-10 mindful minutes a day can improve your sleep, soothe anxious thoughts and ease burnout?

This month we’re launching our our B+G Meditation Challenge. It's absolutely true that you can reap many benefits of meditation with just a few dedicated minutes a day. Whether you want to start in the morning to gain clarity, take time out at your desk or soothe the mind before sleep, these 5-10 minute meditations can help you feel less stressed and bring a sense of calm to your day. Perfect for beginners or those new to meditation or if you're looking to add meditation to your daily practise. 

Discover our top 5 reasons to get started:

  1. Wake up on the right side of bed!

    It’s easy to fall into the habit of hitting the snooze button to catch some extra z’s or glancing at emails to start the day (hands up I’m guilty!). However, when you go back to sleep you usually end up feeling more tired than when you first woke up. A morning meditation will help to set the tone for your entire day and help you to be focused, content, and more positive. Try to set aside 5 minutes a day first thing in the morning.

  2. Enhance Your Awareness

    The mind has a tendency to jump from one thought to another, in yoga this is sometimes referred to as the ‘Monkey Mind’. By starting a meditation practice and tuning into your breath and body when you first wake up, you become more aware of your thoughts–and that monkey mind. Through a regular practice, you can gain control of your thoughts. 

  3. Reduce Stress and Anxiety

    Researchers think that meditation may stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate and breathing rate, and improving blood flow. These physiological effects that take place during meditation may be part of the reason why meditating can help you to feel relaxed. Beginning your day in a calm, relaxed state or ending your day in the same way can also help to reduce overall stress and anxiety plus improve your sleep.

  4. Discover the Bigger Picture

    Meditation gives the mind a break, offering an opportunity to detach from the chaos of our lives and seek shelter in silence and stillness. Being still creates the space for us to gain a broader perspective. There is an abundance of clarity and wisdom that surrounds each of us and when we take a step back, we are able to see things more clearly.

  5. Boost Your Overall Well-Being

    Increased mindfulness makes us more emotionally balanced and encourages a general sense of wellness. Some evidence suggests that mindful meditation might even boost immune function. A daily meditation practice will leave you feeling present each day, intensify your appreciation for positive experiences, and empower you in your life.

    Remember that meditation is a practice and it takes practise. It’s not about finding complete stillness in the mind but letting go of resistance and reactions to whatever arises. Commit to your practice and you’ll see the benefits unfold.


