
Dear You AMAZING New Mammas,

As I head into 3 months of this post partum whirlwind I just wanted to write to you to say that I hear you, I see you and I understand (up to a point - I know every mother will have a different story). I'm now 3 months in and learning the ropes and I wish someone had told me about these highs and lows a little more, that the love I feel is just insane, that the sleep deprivation is a little strange and the juggling act is so real. There are things that I’m having to regularly remind myself as I navigate this crazy wonderful journey, so I thought I’d share them with you in the hope that you can relate and realise you aren’t alone in these feelings!

We are all DIFFERENT!

We’ve all had different experiences already - different pregnancies, different birth stories, different lifestyles and families. Therefore I think it’s safe to say that there is no one right way of doing things as a mamma - we are all just trying to do what we think is best for our family. Whether that’s breastfeeding or formula feeding, staying at home or working, wanting to have some time out alone or spend every minute with your little one - its all totally OK!!

Find Your Mamma Tribe

Having people near by who are going through the same or similar experiences makes this journey so much easier because they understand. You can share the load! It’s the late night messages, the comforting shoulder to rest on, the funny bits that you can laugh together at and having someone as a little bit of an emotional support. They don’t have to live next door (although the thought of this is awesome!), it can be a group online (This is where Bump + Beyond will come in!), a WhatsApp message or a video call. Just knowing you can talk to someone who understands what you’re going through goes a long way.

Post Partum Body

Well this is one that I’m struggling with myself a little. The ‘bounce back’ culture makes me a little mad as it’s pretty unrealistic for most women! SO how I’m looking at it is that my body has gone through one helluva ride to get us to where we are today. It’s taken 9 months to grow a beautiful amazing baby and its not going to be back to pre pregnancy size within a few weeks or months. I want to do more activity now because I love it and I’ve missed the small pleasures of riding my bike, running, swimming and yoga and boy does it feel GOOD to do it. I really missed this kind of movement in the first few weeks after birth, just know that you will get it back, it just takes time!! I think it’s important that the motivation comes from the right place, not from this external pressure. You don’t have to love every part of your new body, but you’ve carried a baby, birthed a baby, maybe feeding a baby too - your body brought new life into the world so don’t beat yourself up about looking a little different right now.

Its OK to miss bits of your ‘old life’

How much are you missing that freedom of being able to walk out the door whenever to do whatever with whoever you like? I know I am! Those days when I could saunter out the door for a sup sess, a run or even a coffee are gone, when I could reply to more than 1 email without interruption or type with both hands!! We may no longer be able to get out of the house in five mins, or randomly go out for dinner with friends, or really do anything without planning how and when … but I have to remind myself that now I have this little awesome miracle to feed and play with everyday. However this doesn't mean you should feel guilty for wanting a little time alone, with your partner or with friends - having this time makes us better mammas! It gives us space and time to breathe and the better we feel the better our babies will too!


I am constantly reminded that we have a unbelievable strength that lies within us as a mother. You are SO MUCH stronger than you think mamma, inside and out. Start believing it!!

Sending all the love in the world to the new mammas out there!

We are working hard to create the Balance + Glo Bump + Beyond content right now - our pre and post natal wellness guides and classes from our awesome experts which will all be available on The Online Studio!

Interested in joining!? Sign up to our mailing list and follow @balanceandglo on social media.

Jen xxx


