Maybe you’ve been feeling a little unmotivated, tired, grumpy and just not yourself lately. It’s no surprise really, it seems we are suffering a little from pandemic fatigue. The past year has been tough on our minds, relationships, bodies and emotions. To help support you through this time we have put together our top 10 tips for self-care.

Self Care encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can then transmit the good feelings to others. Through self care practises you can reinvigorate yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself . We promise everyone around you will also benefit from the renewed energy and joy you show too!

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Here’s our top 10 ideas for self care

-Some will take 5 minutes, others a little longer but make sure you take time to show yourself some kindness and love this month. You deserve every single moment!

  1. MOVE - yes another one of our pillars of The Balance Method. Movement of any kind - whether it be yoga, a walk, hiit, pilates or something as simple as having a little dance in your kitchen all count. Movement will make you feel good as it releases endorphins. Check out the On Demand Wellness Library which is filled with classes to get you moving from just 10 - 60 mins!

  2. HAVE A BATH - oh what a luxury we hear you say! Well now is your time to make this a regular feature in your life. A lovely warm bath is nourishing for body, mind and soul. Relax, enjoy and maybe pop a little lavender into the tub to really feel at ease.

  3. TRY DEEP RELAXATION - Join Jenny live on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm via zoom for a totally blissful relaxing yoga class. Using a deep relaxation technique called Yoga Nidra, you’ll honestly go away and have the best nights sleep. IF you’re looking for a short nidra recording - there is now a 10 Minute Deep Sleep Relaxation by Jenny, that can be found in the On Demand Wellness Library.

  4. CONNECT WITH NATURE - Take a walk outside and connect with nature. Whether it’s just into your garden, to the beach or the park. Walk mindfully, feeling the ground beneath your feet and noticing what’s around you. Nature is a true healer.

  5. CUPPA TIME - Take 5 mins to make a really good cup of tea and sit by a window to enjoy looking at the world go by.

  6. LIGHT A CANDLE - Lighting a scented candle takes this relaxation one step further as it captures not only our sight but also our sense of smell, enveloping us even further in a feeling of calm.(soya or vegan candles are the best for non toxic fumes)

  7. PHONE A FRIEND - It always feels so good to speak to someone. Or if you can why not facetime or zoom? Seeing someones face, even via a screen can make such a positive difference to your day.

  8. READ A CHAPTER OF A BOOK - When you deep into a story or a book , nothing else around you seems to matter! Take some time out on your sofa to read a chapter and let your mind wander.

  9. WRITE YOUR JOURNAL - Journalling is good for the soul, mind and body. It can help to create deeper relationships with yourself and those around you and help you deal with change too. Gratitude journalling is one of our favourites. Read all about how to get started on the Guide to Journalling blog post here

  10. CREATE A SCHEDULE - A little action plan can make you feel great. Planning ahead can help create a calmer and more efficient environment. Make some time for self care and pop them into your busy schedule to ensure that those moments don’t get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. Check out our monthly MOVE calendar here.

Sending loads of love,

Jen + Eve xxx


