This time of year really feels like a transition. We go from the hot and heady days of summer to the colder, darker days of autumn into winter (often with almost no warning; seriously, it feels like one days it’s summer and then suddenly it's hat and scarf weather!) and it can often leave us feeling a bit lost and unsure how to progress through the coming months. 

Here at Balance + Glo, we think the trick is to go with the seasons and to embrace the slower pace that autumn inevitably brings. Here are some of our ideas as to how to make the transition into autumn and winter a more peaceful move…

Slow down.

After a normally hectic summer (kids off school, summer parties, holidays, festivals etc) we can actually enter this time of year feeling pretty exhausted. So take a leaf out of Mother Nature’s book and the creatures that hibernate at this time of year. It is natural for us to feel similar to this, so listen to your body and take some time for yourself. This could be adjusting your yoga practice to include more Yin-inspired classes, or making the most of the darker evenings with a Yoga Nidra meditation. Or simply take more time to rest - curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read; go to bed a bit earlier when you feel like it or enjoy a relaxing soak in the bath. 


Autumn is a great time of year to look inwards and observe where you are in your life. Ask yourself what you have enjoyed in this year so far, perhaps look at goals you still may wish to achieve. The key is not to assess with judgement. A great tool for this is journaling, which can really help to capture exactly how you are feeling and aid future planning. 

Start to plan.

After a time of reflection, it is natural to then begin to look ahead. Autumn and winter provide the perfect opportunity to do this. You may decide that changes are needed in the month ahead, or even be looking towards your goals for the next year. A useful exercise to help with this could be the creation of a vision board. This could simply be images cut from magazines that embody the life you want to live, or you can get super creative with drawing, sticking and writing - have fun with it!

Make the most of the season.

Embrace everything that autumn has to offer. Whether that’s blackberry picking and cooking a tasty crumble, jumping and kicking around in the fallen leaves, or enjoying a pumpkin spice latte from your favourite cafe (side note - why do they only do these in autumn, we’d have them all year round!) find joy in the things that are different from the other seasons. 

Look forward.

It’s important to have something to look forward to and autumn can be a great time of year to think about booking that family holiday in the summer, or maybe you are considering booking a retreat for yourself in 2023? Having something exciting to look forward to keeps us happy in the darker days.

Take a look at our Find Your Flow Retreat taking place in spring 2023. 


