Lou leading a journaling session for Balance + Glo retreat guests
At Balance + Glo our theme of the month is “Take a New Path” and we are inviting our members to try something new this autumn, ignite that inner child and embrace being a beginner again. From this original place of discomfort, it gives us the opportunity to grow and learn more about ourselves whilst also adding that all important element of fun back into a movement practice.
Stepping out of your comfort zone, however, particularly as adults can be a tricky experience. When was the last time you were truly a beginner?
How to Journal
One way to help overcome this fear of being a beginner or fear of “failing” is journaling. Journaling is simply picking up a pen and writing your thoughts down on paper (or in your notes app on your phone). Journaling can be guided by prompts or just be a stream of consciousness spilling out onto the page. It is a way of working through your emotions, blockages and troubles. It is important to remember there is no correct way to journal. It is a judgement free zone where you give yourself the space and compassion to lay it all out.
Don’t know where to start? Here’s some prompts that could help you navigate change:
- Answer the question, “What would I do if I knew I could not fail?”
- What are activities that fill you with joy?
- How often do you do these activities? (Really)
If you really allow yourself to ruminate on the reasons that you feel resistant to change it can start to identify areas of yourself (or view of yourself) that you can start to work on. Often if we don’t voice our worries or write them down the brain just short circuits to an emotional response.
E.g. “Oh no I could never do yoga I’m so bad at it” and that would be the end of that. If you begin to unpack why you think you’d be bad at it it may unearth other factors at play. Perhaps you would love to start but don’t want to look silly? Why don’t we want to look silly? Maybe you don’t like to show “weakness” in other areas of your life?
Now this is purely an example, but you get the gist. (FYI you can never be “bad” at yoga and if you’re worried about looking silly pop on our “Yoga Refresh” series in your bedroom and start from there)
Shifting Mindset
We can use journaling to help switch our mindset from “what if fail” to “what if I fly”. Our resident health coach, Live Well with Lou, shared with us in her autumn workshop last year how to refocus onto energy into what lifts us up and what drags us down. If we are constantly in this fearful mindset, we actually drag ourselves down.
As Monica, from The Living Workshop journal company writes,
“The more you are able to focus on flying instead of falling, the more you will let yourself dream, and the braver and more courageous you will be in your life, which will lead you to not only take opportunities that are available to you, but to seek more out!”.
Another powerful way to shift your thought patterns is meditation. Channelling positive, expansive energy during your meditation can then filter into your daily life. Visualisation is an amazing tool. If we flip it for a moment how many times have you had an argument or conflict with someone and then weeks later find yourself rehashing in your head causing yourself to feel that negative emotion all over again? Harness this energy into the feelings you want to feel.
Change is inevitable but growth is optional. It can be uncomfortable, it can be hard, but we are here to support you. The Balance + Glo community is FULL of like-minded souls ready to commit to their mental and physical wellbeing. If there is ever something you need or would like a video recommended don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us here at B+G.
Liv x
Resources you may find useful:
Meditations with Jenny: Letting Go, Positive Energy
Live Well With Lou’s Energy Workshop
Jenny’s Journaling How-To video