Jenny Stewart on Compton Beach, Isle of Wight performing a yoga posture

In Ayurvedic and Indian Philosophy there are five element of nature or pancha bhutas. Every living being human, animal, or plant is made up of a unique composition of these five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space or “Ether”.

Why are the 5 elements important?

By understanding and incorporating elemental teachings into your yoga practice it may shine a light on where you are out of balance. If, for example, you have a strong work ethic and self-esteem (fire qualities) but you may struggle when situations are placed out of your control you may need a little more water qualities in your life to enable you to “go with the flow”.

Element: Earth

Chakra: 1st chakra, Muladhara/Root

Asanas: Tree Pose, Mountain Pose, Warrior II

The first element is Earth. This element governs grounding, stability, and our ability to feel safe and secure. It comes back to our primal needs for family, safety, food, and shelter. It is from this solid foundation that we then build other aspects of our existence upon. Someone with strong earth element energy is welcoming, warm, and steady.

Characteristics of an unbalanced earth element:

Insecurity, fatigue, fear, materialistic or loss of appetite.

Element: Water

Chakra: 2nd chakra, Sacral

Asanas: Skandasana, Wide Legged Forward Fold, Flow Style Yoga

The second element is Water. This element governs creativity, fluidity, and sexuality. It is the element that connects us to our feelings and emotions as they ebb and flow. Vinyasa flow yoga is a great way to embody this wave-like movement with its focus on the rhythm of the breath.  Someone with a strong water element can release control, be playful or childlike, and creative.

Characteristics of an unbalanced water element: 

May struggle with emotional expression, mental rigidity, control, and addiction.

Element: Fire

Chakra: 3rd, Manipura/Solar Plexus

Asanas: Prayer Twist, Boat pose, Warrior III

The third element is fire. Fire is stimulating, dynamic, and strengthening. It represents our inner power, self-esteem, and confidence. It governs ambition, metabolism, and self-expression. A lot of the time we are fearful of the fire element, but it can bring such transformation.

Characteristics of an unbalanced fire element:

Problems with motivation, confidence, decision making, and discipline.

Element: Air

Chakra: 4th, Anahata/Heart

Asanas: Camel, Wild Thing, Upward Dog

The fourth element is Air. The air element connects with compassion, love, and vulnerability. It has a gentle, nurturing, and uplifting energy. Someone with strong air element energy is peaceful, kind, and non-judgemental.

Characteristics of an unbalanced air element:

Judgemental, impatient, anxious, and argumentative.

Element: Space

Chakra: 5th, vishuddhi/throat

Asanas: Savasana, Child’s Pose, Mountain Pose

The fifth element is Space or Ether. This one may not be so familiar to us as it is neither visible nor audible. It is the most subtle of the elements as it governs intuition, spirituality, imagination, and consciousness. Someone who has a strong space element is peaceful, connected to themselves and the universe around them, and trusts their intuition.

Characteristics of an unbalanced space element:

Sceptical, individualistic, and narrow minded.

We are neither one element or the other, nor are we fixed in whichever element we identify with in that moment. We move in accordance to our situation, needs, and company. You may find, for example, in the company of someone extremely grounding you may feel less anxious, or you may have a friend that drags you out of your comfort zone into more “fire” energy.



NEW 〰️

The Balance + Glo instructors walking along Compton Beach, Isle of Wight

New this month on The Online Studio Membership is a 5-part “Elemental Yoga Series”. Balance + Glo Yoga teachers Jenny Stewart and Olivia Hazlitt have recorded a class for each element. The classes are between 10 and 30 minutes long with a combination of power yoga (hello fire!) and restorative Yin.


