This is your 30 day challenge to upgrade and change up your morning routine. The Balance + Glo team have come together to create Revive Your Mornings - The 30 Day Challenge and support you in getting the best out of everyday as we head towards summer.

We’ve got you covered each week. Don’t forget to download your printable calendar.

Check out the first 7 DAYS BELOW:

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DAY 1 : Lemon Water Cleanse

When life gives you lemons, boil the kettle! 

Many morning ritual enthusiasts have one thing in common. They start every morning with a glass of warm water with lemon. Cofounder Jenny has been doing this for YEARS and is the first thing she recommends for adding to any morning routine!


The Why

1. Lemons are rich in Vit C, which boosts your immune system

2. A drink of water helps hydrate the body, reduces your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain.

3. Lemons have a diuretic effect and help to flush out the toxins.

The How

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass.

Fill half the glass with boiling water, then top up with cold water. 

Drink and enjoy.


DAY 2 : Try a Hiit Session

Let’s all get moving together! 

Head of Fitness Evelyn says, "Morning workouts are an excellent way to kickstart the day, wake up your muscles and get blood pumping around your body”


The Why

1. Getting moving first thing will give you a metabolic boost that will last throughout the entire day.

2. You’ll start your day with a ‘high’ and feel good as endorphins get released through the exercise.

3. HIIT workouts can also help to boost your productivity and energy levels, getting you through the rest of the day, 

The How

Join PT Evelyn’s LIVE classes via Zoom on Friday mornings


Simply log onto the on demand library and choose a HIIT class that suits you


DAY 3 : Add a Superfood to Your Breakfast

Feel the effects of these super powered foods! 

The high vitamin and mineral content found in superfoods can help your body ward off diseases and keep you healthier. Superfoods don't have to be complicated, fussy or even expensive!


The Why

1. With your breakfast, you're setting the mood for the day. Make it healthy and nourishing and you'll lay a great foundation for your eating habits throughout the day. 

2. If you get a lot of your daily nutrients in during breakfast, you won't have to worry about it later.

3. It will help you fight cravings later on in the day.

The How

Simply add one of the following toppings to your breakfast (we suggest porridge or a smoothie bowl - click for recipes!):

Goji Berries - contain specific antioxidants called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, which are thought to provide a variety of impressive health benefits. In addition, goji berries provide 11 essential amino acids, more than any other berry.

Chia Seeds - contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of high-quality protein, and several essential minerals and antioxidants.

Cacao Powder - is packed with flavonoids. These nutrients that have been shown to help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart,

Blueberries - Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory.


DAY 4 : Get Your Yoga on Early

Move mindfully into your morning

Head of Yoga Jenny Stewart LOVES an early morning yoga session to start the day. It doesn't have to be long and complicated, some simple mindfulness, breath-work and movement is all it takes to get you in the right headspace for the day ahead.

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The Why

1. When you practice yoga in the morning it helps build stamina and muscles because yoga is about breathing and stretching and when that happens the blood flow increases along with the oxygen level, which keeps our body fully energised throughout the day.

2. Increases your level of focus at work - Practising yoga before work gives us the power to focus the mind and improves your concentration throughout the day.

3. You’ll have more energy when you come home - Regular yoga practise in the morning not only keeps you fit and energised through the day at the office but when you get home you have the strength to do just about any activity, and when we are happy our body releases endorphins which relaxes our body, making us a more fun, energetic and happy person to be around.

The How

Try a LIVE 30 minute wake up flow class via Zoom with yoga teacher Livy every Tuesday at 7.45am

Short on time? 

Get your energy boost with this 10 Minute Flow with Jenny


DAY 5 : Try Journalling

Start your day with a little gratitude

There are many ways to journal and it can sometimes be a little overwhelming to know where to start, especially when staring at a blank page. Personally, for Head of Yoga Jenny, journalling has always been a way to encourage positive thoughts, infusing my days with a gratitude journal in the morning.


The Why

1. It can help reduce feelings of anxiety, help your relationships deepen and face challenges more graciously. In these uncertain times, anything which helps with the above is surely of benefit

2. It can help strengthen your self discipline. Forming a habit! 

3. It can help provide you with direction and allow you to focus

The How

All you need is a small notebook and a pen. We suggest leaving it on your bedside table and when you wake up, see if you can write down 3 things to be grateful for each day.  Make your gratitude journal a habit. They can be the smallest things (or big things!) and see how it begins to affect your mood. 

Watch and read Jenny’s guide to journalling here and get some top tips:


DAY 6 : Energise Before Work

Without the caffeine!

If you’re not a natural morning person, the first hours of the day can be tough but if you want to make the most out of your entire day, it’s important that you use your mornings wisely. If you can wake up early, feeling energised and raring to go, you’ll set yourself up for a productive and successful day. It all starts the moment you open your eyes!


The Why

1. Energising body and mind before work will help you be feel focused and it’ll be easier to concentrate during your day. 

2. Studies have shown that people that exercise on workdays suffer less stress, and are more productive than their sedentary counterparts.

3. You’ll feel happier heading into work knowing that you’ve already achieved something in the morning.

The How

There are so many ways to energise before work. We suggest a short yoga practise or workout to wake up your muscles and mind or take a walk out in nature. A brisk walk outside is the best way to wake your body up and recharge. As an added bonus, exercising in fresh air and sunshine boosts mood-lifting endorphins, the immune system and the metabolism.


DAY 7 : Take a Moment to Breathe

…and exhale

Early morning is a special time of day. The air is still and sweet, all of nature is priming for a new day.The more you tune into the energy of morning, the more it can help you set the tone for a better day. Start your morning on the right foot by developing a routine that includes some breathing exercises, or pranayama, to help enliven your spirit.


The Why

  1. Reduces anxiety and depression - By breathing slower and more deeply from your stomach, you signal your nervous system to calm down.

2. Increases energy levels - Deep breathing helps balance the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your blood. This is vital for high energy levels and mental alertness.

3. Increases body relaxation - As you begin to work with your breath, there are many techniques that will tap into your parasympathetic nervous system- your rest and digest system.

The How

Try Head of Yoga Jenny’s favourite morning pranayama - alternate nostril breathing. Alternate nostril breathing is an amazing way to create energy through the body, making it the perfect morning breathing technique.

Got a bit more time?  Do a 30 min yoga flow practise with breath work to enliven body, mind and soul.


Please share how you’re getting on via the Facebook group, WhatsApp group, or on Instagram by tagging us - we love seeing your feedback, pictures and progress.

With Love

The B + G Team


